Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow. City. Weekend. Shenanigans.

Good Morning Ladies & Happy Monday - we are 2 weeks out from Christmas, can you believe it - and that mean Holiday fun is starting and weekends are busy with all things fabulous!! This weekend was no different, I crammed a lot of stuff in these 2 days and I loved every minute of it! When you have bad work weeks - you need great weekends to make everything better! And after 2 days of fun and relaxation with friends I am ready for another week.

Lots of pictures coming your way so lets do this!!

Sami's Shenanigans

That's right - Saturday morning - up and out the door before 6am
Santa Hustle 5k Here I Come!

My road trip buddies down to Chicago - I love these faces!

 3 degrees outside and lots of people dressed as Santa ready to run

Sara, Me, and babies - quick stop for a picture by the lake.

 Selfie while running - cute right?
After the race, we headed to Navy Pier for drank and after run party

Harry Carey Frosted Snowman
Rum and other things - delicious!!

One more pic from the track - hell yes I will run to the finish line for him!!

FAST FORWARD a few hours (and a nap later).... Up to Milwaukee

Second City travel group at Milwaukee Performing Arts Center - HILARIOUS.
Jen and I had such a blast!!

 Sunday Morning Snow - looks gorgeous over the city :)

Brunch at Cafe Benelux in Milwaukee
Mimosas & Starbucks - happy girl!

Next Stop: Milwaukee Public Market - just the cutest place ever
Wine, Fresh Foods, Shopping - I can't wait to go back!

Milwaukee is about 30 minutes from my house, but today due to all the snow and road conditions it took 2 hours! There was a 60 car pile up on the tollway and we were all diverted on to frontage roads, I was so happy to make it home safe that it was worth a slow ride.

So there we go, the fastest run down of a crazy busy fantastic weekend :)

The snow is still falling which looks really peaceful from my room - I am not looking forward to getting up and heading to work - but alas Monday is here. Have a wonderful week y'all!!

<3 Jilly Anne

1 comment:

  1. Found you through the link up. I love your blog design. I can't believe y'all ran in 3 degree weather!! I LOVE all the different things that have those Ryan Gosling sayings--that's great they put it in the race! Have a good week :)
