Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow, Cold, Snow

This past weekend was cold, snowy, and relaxing; everything a winter weekend should be.

I spent a lot of the weekend on the couch avoiding the crazy amounts of snow and crappy roads that were outside. The news has been reporting cold cold temps.. like crazy below zero.. all week and I am not looking forward to it all. I mean I am all for winter and snow but these temps? Is this real life?


So since it was cold outside, here are all the crazy exciting things I did this weekend.

Friday night I put on my Pinterest hat with the roomie and we put up this amazing gallery wall in the kitchen. I am in love. It looks so amazing and make the apt look so much more cozy. Finally a Pinterst win for me. 

Saturday - It was my Dad's 54th Birthday - I didn't take any pictures but the one above is one of my favorites. We had lunch and presents at Portillo's - YUMM!!! 

Sunday Morning - Coffee, Pinterest, Blog, and Brunch (with Mimosas) from Kalen.
So relaxing and perfect way to deal with Sunday morning.

And then I bought more K Cups. Seriously, I have a problem. I am obsessed with these things. I cannot go to a store without picking up a new flavor. Too bad they are expensive.. I am going to need to end that habit right quick.

Not Pictured:
1. Shopping
2. Naps
3. Brunch & Mimosas
4. Watched the Internship (pretty good movie actually)
5. Lots of chillaxin
6. T25 workouts

If you are in the Midwest.. Keep Warm out there, If you're not.. I'm jealous.

<3 Jilly Anne

Jacq's Blogger Tips


  1. LOVE the gallery wall! I've been meaning to do something like this !
    and Girl, Keurigs are simply amazing! You can never have too many Kcups! haha I am the same way, I love having a massive variety!

    Thanks for linking up! xo
    Lisa @ Showered With Design

  2. Opinions on the "chat latte" flavor? I usually stick to buying the actual concentrate from Target and then just adding milk (like Starbucks) but it WOULD be nice to have the Kcups, if they're good

  3. amazing gallery wall!!

    i am right in the polar arctic with you (chicago area for me) so brrrr!!!

    cute blog :)

  4. love love love your gallery wall!

    and super jealous that you had portillos! i could probably eat all the hotdogs!

    stay warm, I'm only an hour and half south of you and its frrrreeeeezzzzing and awful.

  5. Your gallery wall looks great! Hoping you're thawing out a little bit :)

    Xo, Julia
