Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Stopping by for the world's fastest shenanigans...

Saturday morning mimosas and captain crunch french toast - amaze.
Frank's Diner in Kenosha is the best brunch spot ever!

Sat PM I spent with these nuggets. Reading books, playing hide and seek, and loving on them. They were so happy and fun, I didn't want to put them to bed LOL.

Sunday I felt like being really domesticated. I made crock pot chili - YUM - and brownies.
I had to bring the leftover brownies to work so I wouldnt eat them all. They were good.
And thats all. Another relaxing weekend at home, which I loved. Thanksgiving is only a week away!
<3 Jilly Anne

1 comment:

  1. WHAT. THE. FIDGESICKLE STICKS. Chili AND brownies! Lock it up. I'm jelly I missed it.
