Tuesday, October 29, 2013


While I have been off traveling the world for work and being crazy busy.. I have yet again neglected this little space of mine and I miss it.. so I am going to ease back into blogging again.. and hopefully a re-design (any suggestions ladies?) To catch up.. Lets check into life currently:

Reading: Heaven Is For Real , this book, omg. I read the ENTIRE book in 4 hours on my flight to Vancouver. It was amazing, I cried at least 3 times, and it made me want to go to church, for realsies. This little boys journey is incredible and I would recommend for anyone.

Listening: Jerrod Niemann - "Drink to that All Night" - over and over. I love this song.. play it NOW.

Cooking: Egg White "Muffins" for breakfast - love them. Thanks to Katie for the recipe. Helping me on that yeast free, clean eating kick ;)

Thinking: I really need to get back to the working out everyday.. life has been so dang busy lately.. Although I did go for a fabulous 4 mile run on the lake with the roomie Saturday and my legs were feeling it.

Feeling: Very blessed to have a healthy and amazing family. Sometimes in life you need to step back and appreciate all the good and be thankful for the blessings you have. Especially my amazing parents, I mean could they be cuter?


Wishing: It was the weekend, although I have to work (booooo!) I will be in Chicago and I love that city... plus that means I get to spend time with some of my favorite people who live there!

Wearing: Yoga pants to work.. And I am thrilled about it. Tucked them into boots with a long sweater and BAM.. adorable Tuesday outfit! Plus I scored the cutest sweater (check it here) from Old Navy this weekend.. it has sparkly elbow patches. #idie

Needing: A Winter Coat.. it is already pretty cold here in Wisconsin, at least in the mornings, and rocking a cardigan in 29 degree weather ain't cutting it anymore! I really like theses two below.. oh but I am not a millionaire.... lame.

                                                                  #NorthFace                              #Burberry
                                                                                                      (Of course it's Kate's coat!)

Wanting: to shop. I need some new fall clothes and have quite the list going on.. see coats above. Plus I need a new purse.. but the one I want.. Kate Spade - Beau Bag .. is $400. Why must I have such Champagne wishes on a Beer budget?!

Looking Forward To: Halloween at Sara's house!! Every year we head to my girlfriends house and eat chili and drink and pass out candy and it's a blast.. this year the twins will be old enough to enjoy and they will be the cutest kids on the block.. I mean could you just squeeze his face off?

Loving: Cooler weather, changing leaves, fall everything. Hanging with my family.. Cranksgiving (our family's version of Thanksgiving with grandma before she goes to Florida) - and look at her new idea for family parties... And people actually did it!!

 So there we go a little bit of life lately and thanks to Steph @ BEAUtiful Mess Blog for the idea for today.. sometimes you have bloggers block.. ya know?

A little funny for today that I found and is so true.. as I sip my PSL...


 Happy Tuesday Y'all - Have a good one :)
<3 Jilly Anne

1 comment:

  1. Ha, a Burberry trench would definitely be a lifetime achievement for me, lol. As for the Northface, try an outlet or Black Friday sale! I have to admit, those jackets do last FOREVER!

    jess | Quaintrelle
