Thursday, February 28, 2013

Make it stop!!!!!! I am calling Winter Over.. NOW!

One thing about living in good ole Chicago is the gorgeous views we get in the winter of snow.

Outside the parentals house! Snow falling <3

Park in they City!

This City is pretty AMAZE after snowfall :)

I'm a little bit bi-polar when it comes to seasons. I am a summer girl who loves beach, BBQ's, running outside, and the warm weather, but I also love the snow, wearing scarves and boots, and heading up north to snowmobile!

But as of this moment right now, I am officially over winter. You hear that mother nature? I am done with a capital D! It has been snowing here for 48 hours, we have 14 inches on the ground in front of my house and it is enough. Tuesday when snow storm Rocky (which is what Paul Konrad called it) it took me 2 hours, 1 police officer, and 4 very nice construction workers to get home. My usual easy 30 minute ride was scary, nerve wrecking, and the most stressful drive ever! This lengthy but pretty amusing for those of you who didn't live it.

It started with an accident on the exit ramp I take to get on the tollway. Note to everyone in the Midwest, we see snow every year, and every year, its slippery. DO NOT GO 80MPH when it's a blizzard and you cannot see the car in front of you. End Note. Moving on, after 40 minutes of waiting to drive .75 miles, yea for reals, I was driving down the WI highway.. driving about 25MPH and passing 11 accidents, people are morons.

Oh hey traffic friends - lets hang out for 45 minutes :(

Speed demon!!!! 30MPH was a god send after sitting at about 8MPH for 45 minutes.

Then I got freaking detoured onto a country road, and IL cannot plow normal roads so that was fun. OH wait, it wasn't. I got stuck at a light and then my car couldn't get traction, which led to me being stuck for 15 minutes until some nice Police Officer and 4 Construction workers got out of their cars and dug out my car and pushed it through the intersection.... and I was on my way.

This is said Intersection - I will NEVER go here again.
Terrible. And yes I took pictures while the nice men pushed my car, I need to document this.

But look at those trees, still real pretty. Damn you Snow.

Those were the nicest people ever... and I wanted to hug all of them, but really I just wanted to get home... So I drove home, slowly and trying not to stop at any lights so my car wouldn't get stuck. Also, all while crying to my Dad on the phone because apparently at 26, car situations still stress me out. Ridic I know, but when I have car troubles, I call my daddy.

Anyways, fast forward 30 minutes (usual 8 minute drive) and I am home, but cannot get into my driveway because there is a foot of snow. So what do I do? Call Daddy. Duh?! He taught me how to use a snow blower so for 2 hours my mom & I shoveled the driveway, of course she got to use the snow blower, until it was all clear. That sucked but I burned about 500 calories doing it and am still sore from it, so i guess that's a plus?!

Anyways... the snow is finally slowing down, thank god, because I am O-V-E-R it.

This is real #firstworldproblem, but it's mine. Anyways... Guess I'll get back to work, its crazy here and blogging is def not on my long ass to do list.

Later Chicas,

<3 Jilly Anne

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