Monday, April 8, 2013

Besties, Birthdays, and Big Awards.. Oh my!


Today the Cubbies are back in Wrigleyville taking on the Brewers and even though it is cold (46) & rainy, this really means summer is coming. Also, since I work in Wisconsin, I will spend most of the day talking smack with my co-workers, who are all Brewers fans... at least it will make work interesting!

Now, for the usual Monday morning link up with Sami :

This past weekend was very full of birthday celebrations and good times. I love weekends like this.
Friday morning I was beyond exhausted thanks to work so I spent my evening with Chicago Fire, Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang Theory, and Nashville. I need to catch up on them and they are all so damn good.
Saturday I got a run in, ran some errands for Boston (T-minus 2 days til I leave!), and cleaned my car, then it was time to celebrate my Lo's Bday. Dinner at Chipolte, because we are fancy, and then drinks, games, and gossip with my favs.
Shots for the Birthday Girl

My all time favorite Wine. The best.

Birthday Girl blowing out her candles.
Happy Bday my sweet friend <3

Look at the love and concentration on the game. These crazy kids will be married in less than 3.5 months!!!
Sunday was a glorious springy day. High 60's sunshine and I got to wear my adorable keds so I was set. 
I grocery shopped, ran more errands, and settled in for my favorite night of the year... ACM's. I will be back tomorrow for a full review, but I will leave you with this.. because, Hello!
So happy for Luke and his tears were so real. He was genuinely grateful and that is why I love him.
<3 Jilly Anne


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