Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dear Blog (and others)

I have no patience for anything today - I am tired and cold and really would rather be on vacation in LA (Only 16 more days!!!!) So the most random things I can think of is what this post is coming to - here goes nothing...

Dear Annoying Man in my Office, Why youfind it necessary to click you pens ALL DAMN DAY. Just one time, when you need to use the pen, please stop. I am going to lose it sir. Also stop saying sir. It is over kill.

Dear Polar Vortex, We get it, its cold. I am praying for 30 degrees and less snow. Dont get me wrong I like winter, but this is ridiculous, over 30 inches of snow and 18 negative days so far this winter, can we please get a break?

Dear Weekend, Please get here NOW. I want to be up north snowmobiling my days away and not worrying about work.

Dear Blog, Sorry this is so random but it is Wednesday... you cannot expect much.
Happy Hump Day!
<3 Jilly Anne

1 comment:

  1. Vacation count downs are always SO hard! I hate constant pen clickers, too :)
