Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thoughts on a Thursday

Hello Lovies, Hope you are all having a lovely Friday Eve! I am cold... I know I have mentioned this before but for real Mother Nature is pissed at us mid-westerns. Monday & Tuesday were gorgrous.. like no coat in January nice and now today.. freezing 2 degrees with  hurricane winds (okay maybe not that bad, but my hair is looking cray).

This is not a joke, this is real life in Illinois.
Moving on.... So in case y'all have been living under a rock this Sunday is the best Sunday of them all...
This means an all day football watching (and commercials), food eating, beer drinking spectacular and I cannot wait. Heading over to my girl Sara's house for some delicious food. I told her I would bring something, I mean Pintrest was made for days like that, and now I cannot decide which I would like to bring, any suggestions ladies??? I mean they all look fabulous :)
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Football food
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Football Pepperoni Pizza
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And then those damn over achievers.... How can they, why did they, I can't even.....
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I mean kinda cool, but also kinda... you have too much time on your hands fool!
May your enjoyment of the Super Bowl not be affected by the unspeakable horror of football season being over. 
But Really?!!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Superbowl Sunday is like a curse. It's my favorite holiday yet the end of the season. DOUBLE EDGED SWORD!
