Tuesday, December 17, 2013

25 Questions Before 2014 - Part 1&2

So I am a little late on this... Blame it on traveling to Canada for work yesterday so I am going to do Day 1 & 2 of this link up today - I think this is really fun and a great way to look back on your year and even more look forward to the new year and what you want to accomplish ...

1. What am I most proud of this year?
My Career. I have come along way in the last 12 months professionally. I have learned more here than I ever thought. I hate my job some days but most days I love it! Working for a start up can be incredibly stressful and can tear you down, but the rewards are worth it!

2. How can I become a better _____________?
Me? I need to focus on being heatlhy in 2014, not random months of health kicks but a consistant work out and YF schedule. I feel better and look better when I do this.. So in 2014 i need to limit the cupcakes LOL.

3. Where am I feeling stuck?
Love Life. Boys are so... ugh. But everything happens for a reason right? We will see.

4. Where do I need to allow myself grace?
Everywhere - I am really hard on myself sometimes and I need to give me a break - be the best person, friend, employee, and whatever else... hopefully then it will all fall into place.

5. Am I passionate about my career?
Yes and No. I enver thought I would care so much about cups and packaging but this is my life now. I am passionate about seeing this company grow and learning more to make it a better place to work and thrive.

6. What lessons have I learned?
Grace, Humility, and to surrender to god. I want to keep believing that everything happens for a reason and work hard to make myself happy.

7. What did my finances look like?
Eh... I need to stop shopping so much. My number 1 New Year's Resolution is to save money - big time!

8. How did I spend my free time?
With Friends and Family - I am super happy with that

9. How well did I take care of my body, mind, and soul?
Spinning, Running, and Spending time with loved ones - all good for the soul ;)

10. How have I been open-minded?
No, and this is something I need to work on and I am going to.... try.. promise.

11. When did I feel most creatively inspired?
While Blogging... I am so happy to have picked this up again, I love this space and I am excited for my 2014 blog goals :)

12. What projects have I completed?
Lots of DIY pinterest stuff.. but nothing too exciting

13. How have I procrastinated?
Work out routines... money saving..

14. In what ways can I re-structure my time?
Plan better

15. How have I allowed fear of failure to hold me back?
Yes, this is something else I need to work on for 2014... lots of goals.... stay tuned.

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