Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Freaking Friday

We made it! Through 5 days of work ... frigid temperatures (at least here in WI)... and waking up early!! Woo Hoo - hey sometimes it's the little things...

5 great things that got me through this week :)

Chicago - 45 \ Dallas - 28
Chicago Bears domination over the Cowboys this past Monday - This was great, not if only we can keep the momentum going - playoffs here we come! 

The twins went and saw Santa Claus for the 1st time this week and their mom sent us this pic - looks like they were thrilled. I told her to send it to Ellen ASAP. She loves this stuff!

My Mom dropped off these ornaments for me. She has been collecting them for years and now I get to put them on my tree!! I love looking at the old ones and remembering when she bought them!

25 Days of Christmas has been so on point lately. Holiday In Handcuffs, Baby Daddy Christmas Special, and Elf - It doesn't get much better. What did I watch before December?

Tonight is Holiday Happy Hour at work - Just have to get through 8 hours and then I get to go out and have some much deserved drinks with some fun ppl from work.

As a quick add on.. Look at this puppy  below.. he is at the local animal shelter and I WANT him. I Imagine him being adorable and I will name him Sam and he will go on walks with me.... and then my adult brain says "you are never home" - "dogs are too expensive" ... blah blah

Look at that face.. I cant even.. Santa?


Have a great weekend Y'all!!!
<3 Jilly Anne

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  1. Yay for Christmas cocktails! I am all about that. I love the Santa pic! HAHA.

  2. Oh I love the picture of the twins with Santa! Too funny! Thanks for linking up today!

  3. LOVE those ornaments from mama!! Also, I must agree with you and say way to go Bears!! (My husband is a Cowboys fan and I'm due hard Redskins- yes you read that correctly haha) Enjoy your weekend!!
