Sunday, December 8, 2013

Snowy Sunday Social

Today I sat in the car for 2 hours - almost at a stand still - due to a 60 car pile up and numerous other accidents from Milwaukee to the IL/WI border, I am thrilled to be home, safe, and linking up for another edition of Sunday Social :)

This Weeks Questions:
1. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? 
Christmas related of course! I love the gold and stripes, It is holiday without being too over the top, plus it looks super classy #amiright
2. What do you keep beside your bed? 
Books, Lotion (especially in the winter, my hand are so dry!), sleep balm, my phone, and jewelry.

3. What is your least favorite chore? 
Taking out the trash, i despise this, and a lot more when its cold and windy.
4. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
Styling my hair, I wish I could just roll out of bed and have gorgeous locks, I am not that blessed and wether I am straightening or curling, it takes at least 45 extra minutes. #needKateMiddletonsStylist
5. What do you do to vent anger? 
Go for a run.... Call my besties.. have a glass of wine
6. What is your favorite holiday of the year and why? 
Christmas.. Family, Lights, Presents, and Snow. Enough Said.

Sunday Social

Hope you ladies had a wonderful weekend :) Keep warm!
<3 Jilly Anne