Friday, December 6, 2013

High Five Ladies.... It's Friday!!!!

Let me begin by saying I almost cried at work 4 times this week. Yes 4 TIMES! Not because I was sad but because I was so frustrated with certain people and since I cannot run them over with my car ignore them, tears of frustration would just well up and I had only one thing to focus on... FRIDAY! And it is finally here.. Thank god.

Linking up for H54F with Lauren

1. The Tiffany & Co. holiday catalogue came in the mail! #dearsantaiwanteverything
2. My Christmas tree is up and decorated and beautiful - it makes my house so sparkly
3. Watched Love Actually with the roomie, drank wine, and ate Gelato #perfectnight
4. Saw the 1st promo for Juan Pablo on The Bachlor, I am pumped! #Juanary #cantwait
5. Picked these booties up at Old Navy - for $12 - holler! I love them and they are comfy!

And it wouldn't be right to start the weekend with a great jam with Whitney!

Have a great weekend ladies!

<3 Jilly Anne 


  1. Aw so sorry you where frustrated at work! Hope you have a good weekend! Thanks for linking up

  2. I no longer work however when I did I had many times of frustration with others. I am sorry to hear that you had this frustrating week. Hope the coming week is much smoother for you.
    Stopping by from "Friday Favorites". Following you via GFC and Twitter.
    Have a great week ahead :)
    Bismah @

  3. I've been there, Jilly Anne! Hoping your weekend made you forget about the stressful work week.
    Visiting from High Five for Friday link up!

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog
    Enter to Win a $30 Four Seasons Accessories Giveaway!
